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Hospital sponsors community events

Hospital sponsors community events

Benenden Hospital has signed a sponsorship deal with the Kent Messenger Group to back three community events.

The Hospital is to be a key partner in the KM Charity Walk, a Kent Cooks competition aimed at school children and families, and a Kent Bright Spark content which encourages future scientists, inventors and innovation.

The KM Charity Walk takes place on Sunday 26 June. The walk starts at Mote House, in Mote Park, Maidstone and goes to Leeds Castle and back. The main 10-mile route leads walkers through beautiful Kent countryside, with those wishing to take on a shorter distance having the option of a five-mile route. There will be goody bags and medals for walkers on their return, as well as a barbecue. Participants can walk for charities of their own choice.

The KM Bright Spark Awards are staged to help make science cool. Competition categories are Innovation, Investigation and Invention. The copetition is open to primary and secondary school children with a top prize of £500. Nominations for this award must be received by noon on Friday 3 June.

Kent Cooks is a Master Chef style event open to primary school children, secondary school children and families. The finals take place in November.

For more details on all three events, including online entry, please visit:

For Kent Cooks and the KM Bright Spark Awards, please visit the schools section.

Published on 19 May 2016